Life. Act 1

Participation in Life is JOYFUL. The asana that pins you down for the 10 count on  your mat each morning is your best friend. That is what the sages want us to understand. To fully participate we must get over petty fears of “but what will happen to me? “and trust that Life is on our side. This means exposure to and embracement of all experiences. We don’t get to pick and choose. That which is painful, hurtful opens the heart rather than closes it: that is Practice! “Life is FOR me!”, we conclude with ample evidence. 

That’s the riddle life gives to us - it’s all there in essence - we are perfect, nothing was ever “wrong” ….. AND ….. we need to make an effort… We forgot ; lost a fog of misinformation we seek for that which we ARE.

Asana practice. It’s the  unwavering effort , the exertion, the determination, the working with opposing forces, the coming up against, the focused concentration, the infusion of the body with the mind   - that turns on the new genes which create new proteins  which in turn changes your neural structure.  This is transformation of you biologically AND spiritually. You actually change the engrained neural patterning, change the conditioning, change the karma, change the form, change the entity, change the Being. 
