“Playing with Fire” connotes a warning. Be careful you may get burned. Engaging Fire, engaging reality on this place of existence in human form sums up training under the Roshis tutelage. As aspirants on the path, we were putting out the fires in our minds continuously. All the unintegrated projections! The karma! Good god! Projections would flare up and like a flame thrower leave a trail of destruction behind. Quick! Get the lavender and honey burn salve! Yet that was part of the process. So we could SEE projections clearly. And make the next embodied step of practice : cleaning up karma. From that perspective, living in silence makes a lot of sense. No books. No media. No chit chat. Eat your meals facing the wall. A Roshi to accelerate the process. No distractions from the fiery dragon that thrashes about in your body/mind, feeding off your prana, wanting to be realized on the material plane. Your body is your biggest ally on the path. Asana helps us develop deep body awareness and access to the subtle layers of vibration in the chakra system. We practice , through meditation and allowing for stillness, engaging with deep layers of karma. “Aha, here’s a kalpas old karmic quanta revealing itself in this conscious field. I have the wonderful opportunity to finally clean it up, to deal with that which no one else wanted to deal with. It’s been kicked down the road from lifetime to lifetime for someone else to deal with it and that someone is, yep, moi. That’s what I signed on for as a yoga practitioner.” In the Heart center the karma is embraced, loved and yes, integrated - its needs are finally met. No longer needing to roam about, lonely and destitute. It dissolves, transforms and is prepared to play another game. You can see from this model of practice that your body is sacred. A sacred entity that has the amazing power and potential to be of Unceasing Benefit To All Beings.